CDBL Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Converts a numeric expression to a double-precision value. Syntax CDBL( numeric-expression) Remarks The argument numeric-expression can be any numeric expression. This function has the same effect as assigning the numeric expression to a double-precision variable. The results of CDBL are no more accurate than the original expression. The added digits of precision are not significant unless the expression is calculated with double-precision accuracy. See Also CCUR, CINT, CLNG, CSNG Example The following example demonstrates how the precision of the argument affects the value returned by CDBL. X = 7-9 X# = 7-9 PRINT X ' Both X# and CDBL(X) will be accurate to only 7 decimal ' places, because 7-9 is evaluated in single precision. PRINT X# PRINT CDBL(X) PRINT 7#-9#' Accurate to 15 decimal places. Output .7777778 .7777777910232544 .7777777910232544 .7777777777777778